Paradise BYOB Virtual Curriculum

  • 01

    BYOB - Day 1

    • Welcome to Paradise BYOB Opening Panel

    • #Reinventing Drawing Group with Jason Leeser

    • An interview with Lars Krutak - Tattoo Anthropologist

    • Outer Limits Tattoo Museum Virtual Tour with Matt, Tent Talk's Rob Schall and Jay Brown with a Traditional Art Jam

    • The Tattoo Weekly with Jake Meeks, Lauren Gregory, & Gabe Ripley (Guest Dan Mawdsley)

  • 02

    BYOB Stage - Day 2

    • Let's Talk Tattoo with Marc from Needlejig and Amy Nicolls

    • Professor John Swierk: The Photochemistry of Tattoos

    • Lettering style exploration with Damen Tesch

    • Vapors of Morphine "Fear & Fantasy" Album release

    • Reinventing the Tattoo Paint Exercise with Guy Aitchison

  • 03

    BYOB - Day 3

    • Opening Talk - Execution: balancing Planning & Improvisation

    • Live from the Castro with Haley Adams and Thea Duskin LIVE from Jiminy Peak!

    • Javier Eastman Podcast Live with Hydro Joe & Tara Quinn

    • South American Tattoo Convention Interviews with Tony Romel of Tattoo Society (In Spanish)

    • Apprenticeship Advice with Amy and Kire

    • Podcasters Paradise - Listen in on a roundtable of podcasters talk shop.

    • Biomech/Traditional Mashup with Hunter Spanks and Guy Aitchison

  • 04

    BYOB Stage - Day 4

    • World Tattoo Events Presents the Future of Tattoo Conventions & Tattoo Collecting Podcast. Moderated by Alex van Dutch with Mario Barth, Durb Morrison, Gabe Shun, & Carsten Augustenborg.

    • "Tattoos, humanities longest lasting fad" an Historic Academic Panel

    • What's the Point? Tattoo Needles with Marc from Needlejig

    • Closing panel - Paradise BYOB Recap


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